Frequently Asked Questions

Below you'll find answers to the questions we get asked the most regarding IT questions/queries.

Click on the sections to view them:

Login Details

Every member of staff and every student have their own unique username for use on the school network which will allow them to log onto any PC or Mac in the school. 

All users will be provided with an Induction Letter/Email.

Q: I didn't receive an Induction letter. How do I get one?

A: If you did not receive a letter or email containing this information, please contact IT Support who will be able to assist you.

Q: How do I reset my password?

A: You will be provided with login details by the IT Support Department, but you will need to change your password to something a bit more secure.

Please log into a computer in the school where you will be prompted to change your password.

If it doesn’t prompt you, please follow the steps below to change your password:


1. Ctrl + Alt + Del on the keyboard.

2. Enter your username and password to log on.

3. When logged in select Ctrl + Alt + Del on the keyboard.

4. Select Change a password.

5. Enter you old password, followed by your new one, twice.

6. Click on the blue right arrow.

7. Your password has changed.

8. Select OK.


1. Click on the Apple icon.

2. Click on System Preferences.

3. Click on User and Groups.

4. Click on Change Password.

5. Type in your old password.

6. Type in a new password.

7. Type in the new password again to verify.

8. Click OK.

Passwords must be:

• a minimum of 8 characters long.

• contain at least 1 uppercase letter (A-Z).

• 1 numeric character (0-9).

• 1 special character (~!@#$%^&*).

Passwords must not be shared with anyone else and should not be written down.

If a member of staff or student has forgotten their username and password, IT Support can provide assistance.

Acceptable Use Policy

Q: Do I need to sign an AUP?

A: Yes, you will need to sign an AUP policy. This policy outlines the terms and conditions of using IT systems and services in the school.

All students and staff sign an AUP form when they join the school.

The forms are available in the Staff Handbook, in the Child Protection and Safeguarding section.

All forms must be returned to the Box Office/Reception or IT Support Office.


Q: How do I get a Wi-Fi code?

A: You should have receive a Wi-Fi code in your induction letter/email. If you did not receive a Wi-Fi code, please contact IT Support who will be able to generate one for you.

Q: How do I connect to the Wi-Fi?

A: Please connect to the “The BRIT School” wireless network with your Wi-Fi code. Please note that the Wi-Fi code given is allocated to you only, so please keep this private. The code can be used on up to three devices.

Q: I have a guest visiting. How do I get a Wi-Fi code for them?

A: You can contact Box Office or IT Support to get a visitor code which lasts for 24 hours. 

Please ask your visitor to connect to the “The BRIT School” wireless network with their 24 hour Wi-Fi code provided by Box Office or IT Support. 


Staff Portal

When you first login to a computer at the school and open up your preferred internet browser you will be presented with the Staff Portal page.

The Staff Portal page provides useful links to the various systems Staff use at the school.

The portal can be accessed anywhere from

If you have any queries about the Staff Portal, please contact IT Support.

Student Portal

When students first login to a computer at the school and open up their preferred internet browser they will be presented with the Student Portal page.

The Student Portal page provides useful links to the various systems Students use at the school.

The portal can be accessed anywhere from

If you have any queries about the Student Portal, please contact IT Support.

Saving Files (U Drive or Google Drive)

U Drive (School)

Each user has a defined area called the U: Drive. You can save your documents in there but they can be only accessed at School.

This data is backed up daily, which means that most files can be restored if deleted or lost in error.

Do not save files to your work computer Desktop, as these are not backed up.

Google Drive (School and Home)

If you would like access your documents from anywhere (school and home) we recommend saving them into the cloud into your BRIT Google Drive.

Please see the Google Section below on how to log into Google to use Google Drive.

Google Shared Drives

Google Shared Drives are used to store, search, and access files across the school.

You will be added to shared drives based on the groups you belong to.

If you need access to a shared drive that you think you need access to please contact IT Support who will be able to assist.

We recommend that you create an organised structure of folders in your U: drive or BRIT Google Drive.

Network and Devices


Microsoft Windows 10 and Mac OS are used on desktop devices around the school.

Microsoft Office 2016 Plus is installed on all  machines.


Departments around the school will have different provisions such as iPhones, iPads, Chromebooks and Laptops. 

Please speak to your head of department about your departments provisions.

Health & Safety

Care should be taken to adjust the seating position in relationship to the monitor and laptops should not be rested on legs.

The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations apply to workers who use DSE daily, for an hour or more at a time.

If you require a Healthy & Safety risk assessment regarding  this please speak to the Site Manager.

When using a laptop in a classroom consideration should be given to trailing leads.

If a device is electronically malfunctioning please leave it alone and contact IT Support immediately.


Gmail is our approved Mail client.

Q: How do I access my emails?

A: You can access your emails these ways:

Q: How do I login to my emails?

A: You will be provided with a BRIT email address. The email address format would be your

For example:

Your password will be the same as the one you use to log into the PC/Macs at school.

Q: How do I add my email account to my mobile device?

Default Mail App

Apple Devices

1. Please choose Settings > Passwords and Accounts > Add Account > select the “Google” option.

2. You may get a prompt to say "Settings wants to use to sign in". Click on Continue.

3. Enter your BRIT email address.

4. Enter your BRIT Password: (Your password).

5. Click on Allow.

6. The mailbox will start to sync and you will see any emails in your Default Mail App.

Android Devices

When prompted click on Confirm.

Swipe down at the top to show notifications and click on the notification.

For Android users a video has been created showing you how to add the work profile to your device. Click here to view the video on YouTube.

Gmail App

Q: I'm not able to receive/send emails. Who do I contact about this?

A: Please contact IT Support who will be able to assist you. See the contact section below.


You will be given a google account which allow you access to:

Q: How do I login to Google?

A: You can access Google by:

Q: When I log into Google it says "A Google Account already exists for this domain". It asks me to chose an Organisational Account or Personal Account. Which one shall I do choose?

A: For a temporary fix you will need to select "Organisational Account" and enter your password. This will allow you to log into Google for the time being but this will occur every time you will log into Google. 

To fix the issue please contact IT Support who will be able to assist you.

iSAMS (PC/Mac) and iTeacher app

iSAMS (PC/Mac)

iSAMS is the school’s MIS System and used for attendance, report writing, timetabling and storing Pupil and Staff information in a centralised environment:

It is a cloud based MIS which means it can be accessed on site and at home via your internet browser.

Please do not create your own database of Student contact details, as this represents a safeguarding concern. 

Q: How do I log into iSAMS?

A: Navigate to in your web browser. 

Please click on the “Sign in via Google Account”.

Enter your BRIT Email Address and Password when prompted. 

Q: I get an error when signing into iSAMS about "User not associated to an account". How do I resolve this?

A: You may need to sign out of personal account in Google.

Navigate to in your web browser on your device just to check you are not logged into a personal Google Account.

In this site click on the top right icon and choose Sign Out.

If you still receive the error please contact IT Support who will be able to assist.

iTeacher App

iTeacher App allows teachers to take registers, award behaviour points, view timetables and access student information. 

Click here to download on Apple App Store.

Click here to download on Android Google Play Store.

Q: How do I login to the iTeacher app?

Apple Devices

Logging into the App

Please follow the steps below:

1. Download the iSAMS iTeacher App from the Apple App Store.

2. Open the app and when it prompts please enter the School Code: BRIT

3. Click on the button with the blue text "Sign in via Google Account”.

4. Enter your BRIT email address (

5. Enter your BRIT password.

6. You will be logged into the app.

*Android Devices – Work Profile*

If you are using an Android device, please make sure that you have your BRIT account installed as a work profile within Settings > Accounts.

For Android users a video has been created showing you how to add the work profile to your device. Click here to view the video on YouTube.

More information on how to add your BRIT account as a work profile can be found here on the Google Help pages.

Once you have installed the work profile within your app list you will see your personal and work profile apps separated.

Select work profile apps area > open the Work Profile Google Play Store App > make sure you are signed in the store as your BRIT email address > download the iSAMS iStudent App from there.

Once downloaded please follow the steps below:

1. Open the app and when it prompts please enter the School Code: BRIT

2. Click on the button with the blue text ‘Sign in via Google Account”.

3. Enter your BRIT email address (

4. Enter your BRIT password.

5. You will be logged into the app.

Q: Is there a tutorial video I can watch?

A: Yes tutorial videos for the iTeacher app can be found here in the shared Google Drive > IT Training > iSAMS > 5. Apps > iTeacher folder.

Assessment Entry & School Reports

Assessment Entry

In order for students to gain insight into their learning and their understanding, frequent feedback in the form of data entry is required.

The Assessment Data is used to create School Reports for students, teachers and parents to provide a clear picture of a student's progress against the qualification standard at a point in time.

Assessment Cycles

The Data & Exams/IT Support Department create Assessment Cycles in iSAMS to allow the teachers to input their Assessment Data.

When the Assessment Cycles are opened an email is sent to all teaching staff showing them what year group, what subject, what fields are required for entry, the deadline date for entry, what module in iSAMS to enter the data into and whether it is a report for a Parents Consultation Day or an End of Term report. 

This is either a report available at least 1 working day before the Parent Consultation Day or an End of Term report uploaded on the last day of term/half term.

Target grades are imported before the cycles are open by the IT Support/Data & Exams Department so staff can see target grades for the students when entering data.

When a cycle is open all teaching staff enter their Assessment Data in iSAMS using either the Online Assessment System (grades only) and the Report Wizard (grades and comments) modules.

Attendance and Punctuality is calculated for all students from an attendance report which the percentages are converted to a 9-1 score and imported into the main cycle assessment screen after the teaching staff have entered their assessment data by the IT Support/Data & Exams Department.

Staff Access to Completed School Reports

Once the School Reports are completed they are are held in the shared Google Drive Whole School Tracking > Subject Reports.

Previously completed academic year School Reports are held in the shared Google Drive Whole School Tracking > School Reports > Previous Academic Years.

Please do not share these locations with Parents or Students as they don't have access to these areas. They can access the reports on the apps and portals.

To send an individual student's report to a student or parent you can download the reports to your preferred downloads area on your device and extract the student’s report:

The Student Services Department are aware of this process to assist staff and parent queries so please contact them for support on this.

Upload to Parent/Student Portals

Once the reports have been checked and signed off a school report for each student for those cycles are generated and uploaded to the Student/Parent Portals by the IT Support Department.

Please see the IStudent  App & Student Portal and iParent App & Parent Portal section below for further information.

iStudent App & Student Portal

iStudent App and Student Portal

Students can use the iStudent (iPhone/Android) or the Student Portal (PC/Mac) to access:

If students need help with logins, the app or portal they can email where a member of the IT Support Department will assist.

iStudent App Login (iPhone/Android)

Students log into the iStudent app by:

Student Portal Login (PC/Mac)

If students do not have a mobile device or if it is not compatible with the iStudent app this information can also be viewed on the iSAMS Student Portal on PC/Mac:

Student Access to Completed School Reports

Students can access their completed School Reports via the iStudent (iPhone/Android) and Student Portal (PC/Mac) any time.

The students are sent instructions at the end of every assessment cycle when reports are uploaded to the apps and portals which contains this information:

iStudent App (iPhone/Android)

Log into the iStudent app > Click on the "My Profile" Tab at the left bottom of the app > Assessment & Reports > clicking into the cycles that have “PDF Available” > clicking on the “Download PDF Report” button.

Student Portal (PC/Mac)

Log into the Student Portal > Click on the School Reports tab:

Click on purple PDF button on the main cycles to download the reports.

iParent App and Parent Portal

iParent App and Parent Portal

Parents can use the iParent (iPhone/Android) or the iParent Portal (PC/Mac) to access:

When parents join us at the school the IT Support Department send them a registration number and password to their email address to setup a Parent Portal account with instructions.

The parent must use the registration number and password  to register for a Parent Portal account and set their new password.

Once they have registered the parent will receive an Activation Email to their email address to click on a link that finishes the account setup.

A tutorial video for the iParent App is available which can be found here on YouTube.

If parents need help with logins, the app or the portal they can email where a member of the IT Support Department will assist.

iParent App Login (iPhone/Android)

Parents can log into the iParent app by:

Parent Portal (PC/Mac)

If you do not have a mobile device or if it is not compatible with the iParent app this information can also be viewed on the iSAMS Parent Portal on PC/Mac once you have registered:

Parent Access to Completed School Reports

Parents can access their child's completed School Reports via the iParent (iPhone/Android) and Parent Portal (PC/Mac) any time.

The parents are sent instructions at the end of every assessment cycle when reports are uploaded to the apps and portals which contains this information:

iParent App (iPhone/Android)

Log into the iParent app > Click on the "My Children" Tab at the left bottom of the app > Click on their child > Assessment & Reports > clicking into the cycles that have “PDF Available” > clicking on the “Download PDF Report” button.

Parent Portal (PC/Mac)

Log into the Parent Portal > Click on the School Reports tab > View Child’s School Assessments (Y11) or View Child's School Reports (Y12/Y13) > Clicking on purple PDF button on the main cycles to download the reports.

Other Systems

Box Office 

If you would like to purchase any tickets for any school events, please purchase these through the Box Office website:

For any queries, please contact the Box Office staff. 

Library Resources 

The Brit School Library Catalogue and Resources can be found online here:

SISRA Analytics

SISRA Analytics is the school’s data analysis system. It assists with the using the data from iSAMS for target grades and predictions through to termly assessments and final exams.

If you have any SISRA Analytics related queries regarding logging in please contact IT Support.

If you have any SISRA Analytics related queries regarding how to use SISRA Analytics please contact the Data & Exams Department.

SISRA Observe

SISRA Observe is the school’s observation platform for Teaching Staff. Staff can create records for observation or self-evaluation evidence.

If you have any SISRA Observe IT related queries please contact IT Support.


CPOMS is the school’s Safeguarding system. If you have a Safeguarding concern about a student, please record this on CPOMS and iSAMS which is referred to the designated safeguarding officer. 

Attendance, punctuality concerns, positive and negative effort, behaviour and achievement must be recorded both at KS4 and at Post 16. 

Behaviour is logged by staff as ‘Behaviour Events’ on iSAMS as Positive and Negative Behaviour. 

If you are unsure whether your concern is a Behaviour or Safeguarding issue, please contact the Safeguarding Team who will be able to give you guidance. 

There is an email group you can select when sending an email called “04_Safeguarding Team”. 

If you have any CPOMS related IT queries please contact IT Support.

If you have any CPOMS related queries please contact the “04_Safeguarding Team”. 


Doli is the school’s finance system. Budget Holders use Doli to manage their budgets.

For any Doli related queries please contact the Finance Department.

MoorePay (Payslips)

MoorePay is the school's payslip system. All staff have access to this.

For any MoorePay related queries please contact the Finance Department.

Staff CPD

At the school, we are committed to ensuring wide ranging and meaningful staff development opportunities for everyone. For CDP (Continuing Professional Development) to have maximum impact, it needs to be relevant, stretching and ideally tailored to your individual needs.

CPD Forms can be found on the Staff CPD Website:

Please note: we are working on an electronic submission for the future. Until then, please complete your form from the Staff CPD website, print off, ensure it is signed, and use the CPD pigeon hole in the Staff Room to submit (we are unable to accept emailed forms).


Please see the Trips site in terms of paperwork and procedures for all trips of The BRIT School:

Student References

The student references site is used by tutors and careers to store any references provided by them to students:

AEN Resources

The AEN resources website allows you to submit Access Arrangements for students: 


All careers related information can be found on the Careers Google site:


If you need assistance with an Event with Production Arts staff please fill out the Events form.

Printing and Photocopying

You can queue print jobs on any of the RICOH printers/copiers (see images below), including those in communal areas where the photocopiers used to be, and to Lexmark Printers, by selecting the various ‘follow me’ print queues.

This solution reduced wastage and ensures that your documents remain secure, as they can only be released by you, a member of the IT Team, or by Sue Weatherspoon in Student Services.

Q: How do I print?

A: The Follow Me Queue should be available to you when you login.

They are normally automatically displayed under Start > Printers & Scanners (PC) and Apple > System Preferences > Printers & Scanners (Mac).

Please press Print in the application you are in. You will be able to select the various printing queues:

If you have a printer in your office, you should also see a print queue for you to print directly to it. If you do not see the print queue yet, it will be available shortly.

Standalone Printers

If you have one of the older style printers in your office, you will have to print directly to this and should have a print queue to use for this.

You will not be able to use the ‘follow me’ queue to print to these printers.

Q:How do link my ID Badge with my print queue?

A: Anything sent to the ‘Follow Me’ print queues will be held for 24-hours and will not be printed until you logon to the printer to release the job.

You can now use your ID Badge to login to any of the ‘Follow Me’ printers:

Q: How do I release my job from the print queue?

A: To view what you have stored for printing, select Print Release and print the jobs you need. 

You can also view what jobs you have queued by clicking here: http://papercut:9191/app?service=page/UserReleaseJobs

Q: How do I photocopy?

A: To photocopy, select Device functions and follow the onscreen instructions to customise your photocopy job in the usual way. Please note that, all copiers are set to photocopy in black and white by default.

Q: How do I scan a document to my email?

• The Scan feature shown below is available on the larger devices (in communal areas), this will scan and email a pdf document to your inbox. On the smaller Kyocera TASKalfa 306ci, you will select device functions and press the ‘mail2me’ button.

Q: How much does printing cost?

We have been able to reduce the cost of printing in black and white, with an additional discount for printing duplex (both sides). 

Although colour printing is more widely available, we would ask you to use this sparingly as the cost to the school is obviously more than mono printing.

All printers have been set to default print mono and on both side. You can change this by selecting the Colour follow me queue, or by adjusting the print settings in the application.

A4 Printing

A4 Grayscale - Single Sided - 1.6p

A4 Grayscale - Duplex - 1.4p (per side)

A4 Colour - Single Sided - 7.5p

A4 Colour - Duplex - 6.5p (per side)

A3 Printing

A3 Grayscale - Single Sided - 3.2p

A3 Grayscale - Duplex - 2.8p (per side)

A3 Colour - Single Sided - 15p

A3 Colour - Duplex - 13p (per side)

Student Printing

Student have to buy printing credit. They can by:

1. Visiting the Box Office to buy more printing credit.

2. Once they have purchased printing credit they will be given a ticket.

3. They will need to visit IT Support who will accept the ticket and add more printing credit to the student’s account.

Staff should not ask students to print on their behalf, as this will not be accounted for in their allocated printing credit and they will be charged.

ViewSonic Training

If you have a ViewSonic board in your classroom you can access the training resources here:

Staff Handbook

The Staff Handbook is available online: 

Please login with your BRIT email address and password.

IT Training

If you require a training session with the IT Department please get in contact us where we will be able to arrange a suitable time for a online session.

Prerecorded training videos are available to all staff in the shared google drive IT Training folder.

BRIT Remote Working

Most BRIT Resources can be accessed from home working from home.


Staff Portal

The Staff Portal can be accessed at home using this link:



Email access is available using this link:


Please login with your BRIT Email Address and Password.


Sync Emails on your Mobile Device

Security Requirement: The Mobile Device must have a passcode or pattern set or it will not allow you to add the email account.


Apple Devices

1. Please choose Settings > Passwords and Accounts > Add Account > select the “Exchange” option.

2. Enter your BRIT email address and description: The BRIT School

3. Click Next > Click “Sign In” when prompted.

4. Enter your Email address: (Your BRIT Email Address).

5. Enter your BRIT Password: (Your password).

6. Chose the items you would like to sync.

7. The mailbox will start to sync and you will see any emails in your Mail App.


Android Devices

1.      Go to your Devices Settings.

2.      Click on Accounts and Backup.

3.      Click on Accounts.

4.      Click on Add Account.

5.      Click on Google.

6.      Enter your BRIT Email Address.

7.      Choose Google Workspace Account if prompted.

8.      Enter your BRIT Password.

9.      Click on I Agree when prompted.

10.   It will ask you to Set up a work profile.

When prompted click on Confirm.

11.   It will start to create a work profile on your device and it may take some time to do this.

12.   You will receive a notification about Google Play regarding "Account Action Required".

Swipe down at the top to show notifications and click on the notification.

13.   It will show "Checking Info".

14.   Then it will show "Registering Profile".

15.   It will ask you to "Set up your work profile".

16.   Click on Install. This will start to download the default aps if they are not on your device.

17.   Click on Next.

18.   Once installed click on Done.


If you are prompted for any additional information such as server address please type in these details:


Domain: brit.local

Username: Your email address

Password: Your password



Google will allow you to:

·        Access Department Team Drives and Resources.

·        Use online versions of Pages, Slides and Sheets.

·        Download and use Google Apps on Mobile Devices.

·        File storage and sharing using Google Drive.


Log into any of the Google apps with your BRIT Email Address and Password.


Staff Handbook

The staff Handbook can be accessed anywhere:


Please login with your BRIT Email Address and Password.



It can be accessed on site and at home via your internet browser:


Please click on the “Login via Google Account” button and enter your BRIT Email Address and Password.


Office 365

Online versions of Word, Excel and PowerPoint are available for staff via the Office 365 link:


This includes:


Please login with your Brit Email Address and Password.


SISRA Systems

SISRA Analytics and Observe are available using these links:


Please login with your SISRA Analytics/Observe login.


Contact IT Support

You can log a request on the Helpdesk via:


1.      Web – log a ticket on our Helpdesk:

2.      Via the link on the Staff Portal:

3.      Email (creates a Helpdesk ticket):


Online Safety & Safeguarding

Filtering software prevents access to inappropriate websites. Staff may request permanent-or temporary removal of the filter for teaching purposes - please contact the Director of IT with any online safety requests.

The school employs monitoring and screen capture software, to record any safeguarding concerns. This system is monitored by the designated safeguarding officers and the Director of IT only.

Help & Support

Self Help

Re-booting/Restart/switching the machine off and starting again will often cure a problem. If the problems still occurs please contact IT Support.

Contact IT Support

Q: How do I log a request on the Helpdesk?

A: You can log a request on the Helpdesk via:

Web – log a ticket on our Helpdesk: 

Via the link on the Staff Portal: 

Email (creates a Helpdesk ticket):

Please do not email the team members directly or use the 02_IT email group.

By-passing the helpdesk means that:

- You unintentionally jump the queue and have prioritised your request over someone who has logged properly via the helpdesk;

- We have no proper record of your request or any reply to it;

- You may not have emailed the right person/people;

- Your request could be missed or given less priority than if it’s logged via the helpdesk.

Q: Can I call IT Support?

A:  For emergencies or if you’re unable to get online, you can call the IT Helpdesk on 020 8665 8676 - a member of the team will then log a ticket for you but may not be able to resolve it there and then. 

Q: Can I visit the IT Support Office?

A: Yes, the IT Office is manned throughout the school day and is located in the East Wing/Zone 2.

Q: What time is IT Support open?

A: IT Support opening hours are:

Term Time

Monday to Friday

08:00am – 5:30pm

Holiday Time

Monday to Friday

08:00am – 4:30pm


We are closed from 25th December to 31st December 2021.

We are open from 4th January 2022.

Other questions or queries

Q: I have a different question/query. Who do I contact?

A: If it is an IT question or query please contact IT Support.

Any other queries should be directed to your colleague or head of department who will be able to assist you.